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Yohan Blake is second fastest in both 100m and 200m sprints. He is also Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica's partner and a great person in general. Rarely do you meet someone who has accomplished so much, in a field that is so competitive and yet seems to be unaffected by it all. Blake was kind enough to invite me to his home to talk about his passion for what he does, and his relationship with Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica.

Blake is one of the most charming and funny gentlemen that you will ever have the pleasure to spend time. He remains committed to being the best as long as he can. I've always been intrigued by people who are elite at what they do. Blake's perspective was fascinating to me because I've talked with athletes, musicians and business leaders.

He said that "to get to the top and stay there is hard, and when you fall you fall faster and you land harder the more you have climbed." For me, it's always been important to have someone I can talk with who can help me mentally, especially if I get injured. So I talk to people like LeBron and Steph. If I can find someone who can fill my mind with positive thoughts and get into it, I'll call them daily. Fill your mind with positive energy by contacting good

Tiger Woods was one of the most important people in my life. He had a car accident at one point, but recovered mentally and physically. I talk to him often and let him into my mind. "I believe that it is necessary to have a total commitment to a positive attitude to be the best."

Blake's ferocious training and his running style earned him the nickname "Beast". Blake's gift for speed was evident by the time he reached his teens. "I began pretty late. I was 16 when I started running against cars on the road. I stayed with the cars even though I could accelerate quite quickly, and they took a bit longer. My father would keep pushing me while he watched me.Richard Mille Replica Watches "I began to take this very seriously, and within two years I was running for the country."

Blake was 18 when he set the fastest time for a junior in Jamaica. Since then, he has continued to improve. It's clear that Blake still loves running.

Blake loves watches too. I didn't grow up with a lot money. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon. When I was young, I loved buying cheap fashion watch - they were my jewelry. I wanted to buy fancy watches, but I could not afford them. He finally got the chance to wear a serious timepiece in 2012 after Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica offered to let him wear one of their watches. Mille was looking for someone to wear his new prototype during the London Olympics.

Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica